Curiosity May Kill the Cat, But It’s Great for Content Marketing
Blogs can be a valuable tool for business growth, Teri Ambrose observes in “By writing blog posts on topics that are relevant to their industry, businesses can show that they are knowledgeable and invested in the discussion”. But showing how knowledgeable the business owner or practitioner publishing the blog is – that’s hardly enough. It’s the audience’s curiosity gap that creates a marketing win.
According to the academic George Lowenstein, humans become curious when there is a gap in their knowledge, stimulating them to “fix” this state by acquiring the missing knowledge. One way content marketers can captivate reader interest, therefore, is by including intriguing, little-known facts within their articles and posts.
“The curiosity gap captivates readers by emphasizing the gap between known and withheld information.” explains, which can be done by:
- introducing something new that our existing knowledge can’t explain
- starting a story, pausing at a climactic moment, and delaying the conclusion of it
- withholding key information for a manageable period of time
- introducing an idea, action or concept… and connecting it with an unexpected outcome or subject
Unlike those who seek to use information tidbits as “clickbait”, at Say It For You we recommend using them as a “bonus”. Sure, visitors arrive at your post seeking information on specific topics. But, once your opening lines have reassured those visitors that they’ve come to the right place, it’s a great idea to use some unlikely connections, even unrelated but fascinating tidbits of information to give readers a sense of being ahead of the crowd. They now have some unusual piece of “inside information” or amusing tidbit to jog their memory, expand their knowledge, and share with friends.Curiosity may kill the cat, but it’s great for content marketing!

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