Buildings, Like Blogs, Can Be Interactive
While this building is not the first to be
The artist goes on to explain the one aspect of his project that’s so very important for today’s business owners to comprehend. “‘Playing the Building’ only exists and comes to life when the public participates in it,” Byrne said.
In today’s world of marketing, it’s not enough to “hand out” material about a business. Yes, brochures, postcards, advertising, billboards – all of those things can still be valid business marketing tools. But, as with David Byrne’s building, the best blogs don’t “sing to people”, but instead invite them in to make music together with the business behind the blog. Blogs, by their very nature of being on the Worldwide Web, are available not only for reading, but for acting and interacting. A good blog invites readers to post comments, and makes it easy for them to subscribe to the blog (through an RSS feed or an email service). Individual readers whould be able to get back to earlier posts to read more in depth on a topic that particularly interests them.
In short, it should be all about “Playing the Blog”!

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